How Does This Work?
JPM-MCS and other customers (DTRA/JSTO, etc.) offer funding opportunities to MCDC members through solicitations called Requests for Prototype Proposals (RPPs). The RPPs offer MCDC members the opportunity to propose prototype technologies to the technology requirements in each solicitation’s sub-objective area. Active and Forecasted solicitations are listed below, as are the status of RPPs for which submissions have been received.
If you are not an MCDC member and wish to become one, please click here for instructions.
For specific Request for Project Information or Request for Project Proposal inquiries, please direct your correspondence to
RPP Release # (Date) | Requirement | Description | Requiring Office | Submission Type | Submission Due Date |
DRAFT SOO | Assay Expansion for Chemical Diagnostics System (AECDS) | Diagnostics assays or sensors that leverage electrochemical-based sensors that focus on host biomarkers, agent-based analytes (e.g. intact agent, metabolites, protein adducts), and binding activity (e.g. immunoassays, agent-target interaction). Technical approaches may include adaptation of established detection assays or novel sensors compatible with integration on the ChemDx system. | DTRA/ RD-CB-JSTO | ||
DRAFT SOO | Increased Micro Sampling to Monitor Immunological Response (IMMIR) | The Joint Science and Technology Office (JSTO) within the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) is charged with addressing the potential threat to the armed services posed by a wide range of bacterial, viral and toxin agents. The current technology and animal use and care guidelines limit the number of blood samples that can be taken in the period between vaccine administration and the fully developed immunological response. The objective of this project is to identify and develop technologies that can expand the range of in vivo micro sampling to comprehensively assess the extended developmental immune response to vaccination. These nascent technologies are expected to allow increased or continuous in vivo or in vitro micro sampling and in parallel utilize detection technologies that can characterize post-vaccination immune maturation in small samples. | DTRA CBM | ||
DRAFT SOO | Rapid Antigen Identification and Immunogenic Characterization (RAIIC) | The Joint Science and Technology Office (JSTO) Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) is charged with addressing the potential threat to the armed services posed by a wide range of bacterial, viral and toxin agents. This objective of this project is to identify current and developing technologies that can rapidly and accurately identify immunogenic regions of antigen in new and emerging pathogens. This effort will support JSTO CBM vaccine programs by developing technologies to rapidly and accurately identify antigenic components in emerging pathogens that elicit significant and persistent protective immunity, and which can be incorporated into current vaccine platform. | DTRA CBM | ||
Q4FY25 | Enabling Capabilities for Broad Spectrum Marine Toxin Countermeasures | Develops prototype capabilities for marine toxin broad spectrum countermeasures | Katherine Brittingham DTRA RD-CBMT | ||
Q2FY26 | Other CBMV Topics may be added after the JSTO S&T Conference and after we receive new programming guidance. | TBD | Traci Pals DTRA RD-CBMV | ||
Q3FY26 | NEST | Develops prototype capabilities for Directed Nanoparticle-Enhanced Smart Therapies | Katherine Brittingham DTRA RD-CBMT | ||
Q3FY27 | DEFEND | Develops prototype capabilities in Data-Enabled Frameworks for Emerging Novel Therapeutics | Katherine Brittingham DTRA RD-CBMT | ||
Q3FY27 | PHAROS | Develops prototype capabilities in Broad-Spectrum Therapeutics for High Consequence & Emerging Pathogens | Katherine Brittingham DTRA RD-CBMT | ||
Q3FY27 | Small Timely Accurate Simple Handheld Diagnostics (STASH-DX) | Hand-held, high-throughput, low electrical, low complexity, minimally invasive diagnostic system prototype capable of performing molecular and immunological multiplex testing for identification of agent and host biomarkers | Chris Joyal JPM Medical, JPdL Diagnostics | ||
Q3FY27 | ChemDx Assay Expansion | Iteratively expand the ChemDx platform to diagnose exposure to additional chemical agents | Leanne Chacon JPM Medical, JPdL Diagnostics | ||
Q4FY27 | Advanced Differential Diagnostics (ADD) | Host Response based test to predict illness severity | Clay Vedder JPM Medical, JPdL Diagnostics |
Submission Stats Key
- Received: Number of proposals received
- Selected: Number of proposals selected for award at time of Selection Announcement Letter
- Basket: Number of proposals placed in basket
Awardee Key
- Awarded: Full Executed Project Agreements (Prime Awardee Listed Only)
- An asterisk (*) indicates a proposal pulled from basket for award
- In Negotiation: Government has made selections and Offerors have been notified. SOW development and negotiations are on-going.
- In Evaluation: Government is performing Source Selection
RPP Release # (Date) | Requirement | Requiring Office | Submission Status | Awardee | Award Date | Estimated Value |
RPP-25-03 (1/24/2025) | Broad Spectrum Therapeutics | DTRA RD-CBM | Received: 32 Selected: Basket: | In Evaluation | ||
RPP-25-02 (11/08/2024) | Comparing Animal Models to Organ Tissue Equivalents (CAMO) | DTRA RD-CBM | Received: 10 Basket: 2 Selected: 1 | In Negotiation | ||
MCDCCG-2024-01 (9/04/2024) | MCDC-2024-01 Commercialization | MCDC Consortium | Received: 8 Selected:4 | In Negotiation | ||
RPP-25-01 (10/17/2024) | Medical Countermeasure (MCM) Developmental Pipeline | DTRA RD-CBM | Received: 4 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | In Negotiation | ||
RPP-24-04 (09/04/2024) | Consolidated Nerve Agent Treatment System (CNATS) | Unknown/JRO | Received: 3 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | In Negotiation | ||
RPP-24-03 (03/13/2024) | MCDC2403: AChE Reactivator Development and Approval Pipeline (ARDAP) | DTRA RD-CBD | Received: 4 Selected: 1 Basket: 2 | Battelle Memorial Institute | 09/26/2024 | $40,161,117.00 |
RPP-24-02 (11/16/2023) | MCDC2402: Reactivating Nerve Agent Treatment System (RNATS) Prototype | JPEO-CBRND JPM Medical | Received: 3 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | Battelle Memorial Institute | 4/22/2024 | $53,725,664.00 |
RPP-24-01 (11/06/2023) | MCDC2401: Gene-Encoded MCM Development and Response Platform | JPEO-CBRND-EB | Received: 4 Selected: 0 Basket: 2 | No Awards Made at this time | ||
RPP-23-01 (08/23/2023) | MCDC2301: Manufacturing Optimization | JPEO-CBRND JPL Enabling Biotechnologies | Received: 9 Selected: 2 Basket: 3 | Latham BioPharm Group, Inc. Just-Evotec Biologics, Inc. | 9/27/2024 6/10/2024 | $18,978,963.00 $38,678,547.00 |
RPP-22-15 (08/11/2022) | MCDC2215: Small Molecules or Biologics as Host Targeted or Host Disease Process Targeted, Broad-Spectrum Medical Countermeasures (MCM) against Biological Threats of Concern | DTRA RD-CBM | Received: 6 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | Tonix Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | 6/28/2024 | $34,111,977.00 |
RPP-22-14 (08/08/2022) | MCDC2214: Layered Medical Defense against Biological Threats | DTRA RD-CBM | Received: 1 Selected: Basket: | Arisan Therapeutics, Inc. | 03/14/2024 | $8,273,112 |
RPP-22-13 (07/28/2022) | MCDC2213: Development of Relevant Animal Models to Support Medical Countermeasure (MCM) Development against Traditional and Emerging Bio-Threats | DTRA RD-CBM | Received: 2 Selected: 2 Basket: 0 | Battelle Memorial Institute Texas Biomedical Research Institute | 2/22/2024 4/18/2024 | $17,492,590 $23,152,116 |
RPP-22-12 (07/11/2022) | MCDC2212: Non-Clinical and Early Clinical Development of 3,4-Diaminopyridine Phosphate (3,4-DAPP) for Treatment of Botulinum Neurotoxin (BoNT) Intoxication | DTRA RD-CBM | Received: 3 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | Southwest Research Institute | 1/22/2024 | $11,054,933.00 |
RPP-22-11 (05/12/2022) | 22-11: Therapeutic Medical Countermeasure Strategies for Addressing Emerging Bacterial Threats | DTRA-RD-CBM | Received: 16 Selected: Basket: | Requirement Canceled | ||
RPP-22-10 (04/28/2022) | 22-10: ReVAMP: ReinVigorating Abandoned AntiMicrobial Products | DTRA RD-CBM | Received: 6 Selected: 0 Basket: 2 | No Awards Made at This Time | ||
RPP-22-09 (03/08/2022) | 22-09: Multivalent Vaccine Prototype for Encephalitic Alphaviruses | DTRA-RD-CBM | Received: 4 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | Najit Technologies, Inc. | 04/21/2023 | $29,683,505 |
RPP-22-08 (02/28/2022) | 22-08: Reconstitution Auto Injector Platform | JPM-CBRN Medical | Received: 7 Selected: 0 Basket: 2 | No Awards Made at This Time | ||
RPP-22-07 (01/14/2022) | 22-07: Needle-Free Vaccine Delivery Platform Prototypes | DTRA-RD-CBM | Received: 21 Selected: 0 Basket: 7 | No Awards Made at This Time | ||
RPP-22-06 (01/11/2022) | 22-06: Vaccine Encapsulation Prototype | DTRA-RD-CBM | Received: 9 Selected: 1 Basket: 4 | DynPort Vaccine Company LLC | 8/5/2024 | $2,887,340 |
RPP-22-05 (01/04/2022) | 22-05: Adjuvant Activity to Vaccines Prototype | JSTO and DTRA | Received: 14 Selected: 0 Basket: 5 | *Lumen Bioscience, Inc. *Ginkgo Bioworks, Inc. *AAHI | 09/22/2023 11/10/2023 12/18/2023 | $6,229,916 $32,144,571 $12,785,061 |
RPP-22-04 (11/10/2021) | 22-04: mRNA Vaccines to Prevent Biological Threat Agent Diseases | JPEO-CBRND Medical | Received: 12 Selected: 5 Basket: 5 | University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston Access to Advanced Health Institute (AAHI) AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals | 11/21/2022 11/21/2022 12/21/2022 01/31/2023 02/03/2023 | $87,408,233 $2,496 $25,147,312 $9,979,101 $79,693,981 |
RPP-22-03 (10/29/2021) | 22-03: Accelerated Antibodies (mAb) Prototype Development | JPEO-CBRND-EB | Received: 10 Selected: 2 Basket: 2 | Mapp Biopharmaceutical Just-Evotec Biologics *IDBiologics, Inc. | 06/24/2022 09/19/2022 03/03/2023 | $59,966,758 $138,257,745 $43,983,135 |
RPP-22-02 (10/05/2021) | 22-02: High Throughput Screening (HITS) Prototype | DTRA-CBM | Received: 5 Selected: 2 Basket: 1 | FLIR Detection, Inc. The University of California, Los Angeles | 09/21/2022 11/15/2022 | $18,522,830 $11,000,000 |
RPP-22-01 (10/01/2021) | 22-01: Pathogenesis and Toxicity Forecasting Using Multi-Organoid Systems (PATMOS) | DTRA-CBM | Received: 4 Selected: 2 Basket: 1 | Wake Forest University The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc. | 04/27/2022 5/16/2024 | $43,150,000 $34,182,281 |
RPP-21-06 (08/23/2021) | 21-06: Dry Neutralizing Unbroken Skin Decontaminant Technologies | DTRA | Received: 12 Selected: 2 Basket: 3 | Clear Scientific LLC Guild Associates, Inc. | 05/09/2022 05/10/2022 | $6,500,000 $2,814,293 |
RPP-21-05 (04/06/2021) | 21-05: Breath-Based Bacterial and Viral Diagnostic (B3VID) | DTRA-RD-CBA | Received: 6 Selected: 1 Basket: 2 | Indiana University | 09/10/2021 | $1,297,494 |
RPP-21-04 (03/22/2021) | 21-04: Novel Broad Spectrum Antibacterial Medical Countermeasures (MCM) for Treatment and Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) of Melioidosis | DTRA/JSTO | Received: 4 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | Arrevus, Inc. | 08/25/2021 | $45,494,165 |
RPP-21-03 (01/22/2021) | 21-03: Novel Biologics as Medical Countermeasures (MCM) against Biological Threats of Concern | DTRA/JSTO | Received: 18 Selected: 1 Basket: 7 | University of Pittsburgh | 03/17/2022 | $14,515,945 |
RPP-21-02 (12/10/2020) | 21-02: Small Molecules as Medical Countermeasures (MCM) against Biological Threats of Concern | DTRA/JSTO | Received: 7 Selected: 2 Basket: 2 | Southwest Research Institute Latham BioPharm Group | 09/10/2021 09/29/2021 | $24,983,966 $16,193,553 |
RPP-21-01 (11/10/2020) | 21-01: Development of Relevant Animal Models to Support Medical Countermeasure (MCM) Development against Bio-Threats | DTRA/JSTO | Received: 6 Selected: 2 Basket: 2 | The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston Texas Biomedical Research Institute | 07/30/2021 09/28/2021 | $10,544,459 $14,209,447 |
RPP-20-17 (09/18/2020) | 20-17: COVID-19 Pandemic – Vaccine Manufacturing Scale Up | BARDA/JPM-CBRN Medical | Received: 8 Selected: 0 Basket: 3 | No Awards Made at This Time | ||
RPP-20-16 (09/03/2020) | 20-16: Point of Need Diagnostic Platform | DTRA-RD-CBA | Received: 8 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | Darwin Biosciences, Inc. | 06/09/2021 | $12,037,775 |
RPP-20-15 (08/26/2020) | 20-15: Clinical Trials of Repurposed Drugs for COVID-19 Therapeutic | DTRA-RD-CBM | Received: 4 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | Leidos | 12/23/2020 | $77,122,568 |
RPP-20-14 (08/20/2020) | 20-14: Immune Modulator Platform Clinical Trials for COVID-19 | HHS/ASPR/BARDA | Received: 2 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | Quantum Leap Healthcare Collaborative | 12/02/2020 | $62,295,224 |
RPP-20-13 (08/04/2020) | 20-13: Adaptive Platform Clinical Trials for COVID-19 | DTRA-RD-CBM | Received: 4 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | Quantum Leap Healthcare Collaborative | 11/19/2020 | $5,631,751 |
RPP-20-12 (07/23/2020) | 20-12: Phase 1 Clinical Dose Escalation Study of rVSVΔG SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine | DTRA-RD-CBM | Received: 3 Selected: 0 Basket: 1 | No Awards Made at This Time | ||
RPP-20-11 (06/09/2020) | 20-11: COVID-19 Pandemic Vaccine Rapid Advanced Research and Development (ARD) to Large Scale Manufacturing | BARDA/JPM-CBRN-Medical | Received: 5 Selected: 4 Basket: 0 | Novavax, Inc. Pfizer Sanofi Pasteur Janssen Research & Development | 07/06/2020 07/21/2020 07/30/2020 08/05/2020 | $1,800,670,981 $2,002,500,000 $1,754,525,063 $722,310,805 |
RPP-20-10 (05/29/2020) | 20-10: Universal Blood Sample Preparation Platform to Provide Timely Pre-Symptomatic Diagnosis of Bacterial Infections | DTRA-RD-CBA | Received: 2 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | General Electric | 12/18/2020 | $5,556,135 |
RPP-20-09 (05/27/2020) | 20-09: Development of Naloxone Multi-10 mg Dose Use Vial | DTRA RD-CBS | Received: 4 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | SRI International | 09/10/2021 | $14,689,426 |
RPP-20-08 (05/17/2020) | 20-08: Support Vaccine Rapid Advanced Research and Development (ARD) to Large Scale Manufacturing | BARDA | Received: 4 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | Regeneron Pharmaceuticals | 07/06/2020 | $465,861,635 |
RPP-20-07 (05/06/2020) | 20-07: Development of Diagnostic Tests for the Rapid and Accurate Diagnosis of Human SARS-CoV-2 | DTRA RD-CBA | Received: 12 Selected: 1 Basket: 2 | New Horizons Diagnostics | 05/28/2020 | $2,909,759 |
RPP-20-06 (05/04/2020) | 20-06: Therapies and Prophylaxes to Treat Coronavirus Disease (2019 (COVID-19)) | JPM-CBRN-Medical | Received: 20 Selected: 3 Basket: 5 | Partner Therapeutics The Ultran Group University of Louisville *Pulmotech | 07/14/2020 09/18/2020 12/02/2020 01/15/2021 | $39,173,705 $934,309 $6,989,247 $6,000,000 |
RPP-20-05 (04/14/2020) | 20-05: Development of EIDD-2801 and Supplemental Candidates | DTRA-RD-CBM | Received: 3 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | Emory University | 07/09/2020 | $16,132,601 |
RPP-20-04 (03/19/2020) | 20-04: Advance Treatment Based on Polyclonal Antibodies to Treat Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Response | DoD/DHHS via JPEO-CBRND | Received: 14 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | Grifols Shared Services North America, Inc. | 04/09/2020 | $13,932,250 |
RPP-20-03 (01/28/2020) | 20-03: INATS - Soman Nerve Agent Pre-Treatment Pyridostigmine Bromide (SNAPP) Shelf-life Modernization | JPM-CBRN-Medical | Received: 4 Selected: 1 Basket: 2 | CMC Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | 08/24/2020 | $2,313,048 |
RPP-20-02 (11/20/2019) | 20-02: TRE: INATS - Centrally Acting Medical Countermeasure for Nerve Agent Exposure | JPM CBRN Medical | Received: 7 Selected: 1 Basket: 3 | Battelle Memorial Institute | 08/31/2020 | $38,028,699 |
RPP-20-01 (11/08/2019) | 20-01: TRE: Small Molecule Antiviral Therapeutic Medical Countermeasures | JPEO-CBRND | Received: 8 Selected: 3 Basket: 2 | Battelle Memorial Institute Evrys Bio Microbiotix | 01/27/2021 06/30/2021 05/17/2021 | $11,891,814 $34,347,045 $22,794,808 |
RPP-19-12 (09/10/2019) | 19-12: Phase 1 Clinical Dose Escalation Study of BoNT mAb G03-52-01 DP | JPM CBRN Medical | Received: 1 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | Resilience Government Services | 05/22/2020 | $46,418,691 |
RPP-19-11 (07/03/2019) | 19-11: Therapeutic Evaluation of 3,4-Diaminopyridine (3,4-DAP) | JPM CBRN Medical | Received: 3 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | Battelle Memorial Institute | 06/26/2020 | $2,945,438 |
RPP-19-10 (04/30/2019) | 19-10: Development of a Scopolamine Auto Injector Prototype | JPM CBRN Medical | Received: 5 Selected: 1 Basket: 3 | AktiVax | 02/20/2020 | $24,466,039 |
RPP-19-09 (03/26/2019) | 19-09: In Vitro Affinity-based Diagnostic System for Diseases Resulting from Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Exposure (IADS) | JPM CBRN Medical | Received: 9 Selected: 1 Basket: 3 | University of North Carolina *Duke University | 10/23/2019 03/30/2020 | $14,792,497 $10,736,110 |
RPP-19-08 (03/01/2019) | 19-08: Medical Countermeasure Prototype Development to Biological Toxins (PRE) | DTRA | Received: 3 Selected: 0 Basket: 2 | *ZabBio | 03/19/2020 | $1,919,469 |
RPP-19-07 (01/31/2019) | 19-07: Natural Product Chemical Medical Countermeasures | JPM CBRN Medical | Received: 1 Selected: 0 Basket: 0 | No Awards Made at This Time | ||
RPP-19-06 (01/31/2019) | 19-06: Novel and Innovative Prophylaxis/Pretreatment Medical Countermeasures (MCMs) to Protect the U.S. Warfighter Against Adverse Effects of Organophosphorus Nerve Agents (OPNAs) | JPM CBRN Medical | Received: 5 Selected: 0 Basket: 2 | *MRI Global | 06/26/2020 | $20,526,153 |
RPP-19-05 (01/31/2019) | 19-05 (TRE): Prophylactic and Therapeutic cMCM Libraries, Mid to Late Pipeline Development | JPM CBRN Medical | Received: 6 Selected: 1 Basket: 3 | *Alchem Laboratories MRIGlobal *MRIGlobal | 11/21/2019 12/03/2019 12/20/2019 | $13,365,323 $2,455,378 $11,775,062 |
RPP-19-04 (12/19/2018) | 19-04 (PRE): Ebola Vaccine Prototype | JPM CBRN Medical | Received: 1 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | The Albert B. Sabin Vaccine Institute | 09/12/2019 | $8,558,226 |
RPP-19-04 (11/01/2018) | 19-04 (TRE): Development of Naloxone Auto-injector | JPM CBRN Medical | Received: 6 Selected: 1 Basket: 2 | Kaleo, Inc. | 07/29/2019 | $24,882,308 |
RPP-19-03 (11/01/2018) | 19-03 (TRE): Development of Diazepam Auto-injector | JPM CBRN Medical | Received: 6 Selected: 1 Basket: 3 | Emergent BioSolutions | 09/17/2019 | $21,904,637 |
RPP-19-02 (10/11/2018) | 19-02 (TRE/PRE): Development and Testing of a Rapid Response Antibody (Ab) Platform System and the Accelerated Development of a Safe and Efficacious Prototype Medical Countermeasure (MCM) Against a Biodefense Threat of Interest | JPM CBRN Medical | Received: 6 Selected: 2 Basket: 3 | SAB Biotherapeutics, Inc. Ology Bioservices | 08/30/2019 08/07/2019 | $139,823,207 $3,231,229 |
RPP-19-01 (11/20/2018) | 19-01 (TRE): Development of an FDA-Approved Smallpox Medical Countermeasure for a Post-Exposure Prophylaxis Indication | JPM CBRN Medical | Received: 1 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | SIGA Technologies | 07/02/2019 | $27,439,468 |
RPP-18-22 (08/08/2018) | 18-22 (PRE): Walter Reed Army Institute of Research Viral Disease Branch (WRAIR, VDB), Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Development of Dengue Purified Inactivated Vaccines | JPM CBRN Medical | Received: 2 Selected: 0 Basket: 0 | Requirement Canceled | ||
RPP-18-19 (04/12/2018) | 18-19 (PRE): Development and utilization a monoclonal antibody platform prototype for development of monoclonal antibodies as medical countermeasures against threats of interest. Aerosolized Plague infection is the subject of this requirement. | JPM CBRN Medical | Received: 2 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | Ology Bioservices | 03/22/2019 | $148,017,841 |
RPP-18-17 (03/23/2018) | 18-17 (PRE): Marburg Virus Vaccine Development | DTRA JSTO | Received: 3 Selected: 0 Basket: 3 | *International AIDS Vaccine Initiative | 10/15/2019 | $35,751,818 |
RPP-18-16 (03/23/2018) | 18-16 (TRE): Novel Therapeutics for Multidrug Resistant Bacterial Bio threat Pathogens | DTRA JSTO | Received: 5 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | Battelle *University of Florida | 03/01/2019 03/24/2021 | $34,993,688 $36,481,555 |
RPP-18-15 (04/05/2018) | 18-15 (DET): Point-of-Care Diagnostics to identify the Causative Agents for Melioidosis and the Plague | DTRA JSTO | Received: 3 Selected: 2 Basket: 0 | Inbios International Brimrose Technology Corp. | 08/27/2018 09/24/2018 | $4,436,864 $1,675,664 |
RPP-18-14 (04/05/2018) | 18-14 (PRE): Next Generation Devices for Delivery of Nucleic Acid Vaccines | DTRA JTSO | Received: 4 Selected: 0 Basket: 4 | *Inovio Pharmaceuticals *PharmaJet | 06/06/2019 06/17/2019 | $2,178,995 $13,731,033 |
RPP-18-13 (04/05/2018) | 18-13 (PRE): Prophylaxis / Pretreatment Against Francisella tularensis | DTRA JTSO | Received: 4 Selected: 0 Basket: 3 | *University of New Mexico *Southwest Research Institute *Ology Bioservices | 09/25/2019 11/05/2019 09/18/2020 | $8,595,366 $18,287,542 $1,335,940 |
RPP-18-12 (04/05/2018) | 18-12 (PRE): Francisella tularensis Immune Assays | DTRA JTSO | Received: 3 Selected: 0 Basket: 3 | No Awards Made at This Time | ||
RPP-18-11 (04/05/2018) | 18-11 (PRE): Burkholderia Species Immune Assays | DTRA JTSO | Received: 5 Selected: 0 Basket: 4 | *University of Nevada, Reno | 09/12/2019 | $2,505,186 |
RPP-18-10 (04/05/2018) | 18-10 (DET): Assay Development for the Identification of Markers of Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus Infection in Animal Models | DTRA JTSO | Received: 2 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | Meso Scale Diagnostics | 04/30/2019 | $3,017,870 |
RPP-18-09 (04/05/2018) | 18-09 (DET): Multiplex Vertical flow Paper-based Immunoassay (VPI) Diagnostic System | DTRA JTSO | Received: 2 Selected: 0 Basket: 1 | *University of Arizona | 04/06/2020 | $5,414,034 |
RPP-18-08 (02/09/2018) | 18-08 (TRE): Proof of Concept Formulations for CBRN Medical Countermeasures to be administered via Autoinjector | DTRA JTSO | Received: 5 Selected: 2 Basket: 2 | SRI International Emergent BioSolutions *Southwest Research Institute | 03/04/2019 03/04/2019 06/15/2020 | $9,250,957 $1,934,843 $8,466,944 |
RPP-18-07 (02/09/2018) | 18-07 (TRE): Discovery and Development of New Therapeutics to Treat Symptoms of Exposure to Organophosphorus Chemical Warfare Nerve Agents | DTRA JSTO | Received: 1 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | Southwest Research Institute | 03/18/2019 | $10,144,672 |
RPP-18-06 (02/09/2018) | 18-06 (PRE): Enhanced circulatory stability and GMP manufacturing of phosphotriesterase (PTE) / organophosphorous hydrolase (OPH) variants as prophylaxis against a broad-spectrum of organophosphorus nerve agents (OPNAs) | DTRA JSTO | Received: 1 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | BioHybrid | 06/20/2019 | $49,096,876 |
RPP-18-05 (01/10/2018) | 18-05 (TRE): Development of a Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved medical countermeasure (MCM) for treatment of multi-drug resistant bacterial biological warfare agents delivered via an aerosol route of exposure | JPM CBRN Medical | Received: 1 Selected: 0 Basket: 1 | No Award Made at This Time | ||
RPP-18-04 (01/10/2018) | 18-04 (TRE): Relevant Large Animal Model Prototypes for Organophosphorus (OP) Nerve Agent (NA) Intoxication and Therapeutic Evaluations | JPM CBRN Medical | Received: 1 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | SciTech Services | 09/12/2018 | $235,797 |
RPP-18-03 (03/26/2018) | 18-03 (TRE): Late Discovery and Development of Therapeutics to Treat Symptoms of Exposure to Organophosphorus Chemical Warfare Nerve Agents | DTRA JSTO | Received: 1 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | Leidos | 08/16/2018 | $11,286,219 |
RPP-18-02 (10/19/2017) | 18-02 (DET): Development of Multiplex Molecular Diagnostics Based on CRISPR-Cas and other Synthetic Biology Approaches | DTRA JSTO | Received: 0 Selected: 0 Basket: 0 | No Award Made at This Time | ||
RPP-18-01 (10/19/2017) | 18-01 (DET): Rapid Single-molecule-based Diagnostic Platform Assessment of Pathogen Susceptibility to Anti-microbial Agent | DTRA JSTO | Received: 6 Selected: 2 Basket: 0 | California Institute of Technology General Electric | 12/04/2018 12/13/2018 | $1,838,255 $7,898,388 |
RPP-17-08 (06/17/2017) | 17-08: Chemical Exposure In Vitro Diagnostics (ChemDx) | JPM CBRN Medical | Received: 3 Selected: 1 Basket: 2 | MRIGlobal | 10/10/2018 | $21,878,177 |
RPP-17-07 (06/17/2017) | 17-07: Man-Portable Diagnostics System (MPDS) – Expanded Scope | JPM CBRN Medical | Received: 4 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | Cepheid | 08/24/2018 | $133,924,769 |
RPP-17-06 (06/17/2017) | 17-06: Execution of Phase 1 Clinical Study for Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis (VEE) Monovalent Virus Replicon Particle (VRP) vaccine | JPM CBRN Medical | Received: 4 Selected: 0 Basket: 2 | No Award Made at This Time | ||
RPP-17-05 (02/13/2017) | 17-05: Man-Portable Diagnostics System (MPDS) | JPM CBRN Medical | Received: 3 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | MRIGlobal | 09/01/2017 | $44,307,569 |
RPP-17-04 (02/13/2017) | 17-04: Development of Multi-Target Single-Vector Vaccine Prototype against aerosolized Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus (VEEV) | JPM CBRN Medical | Received: 1 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | Bavarian Nordic | 03/16/2018 | $33,013,077 |
RPP-17-03 (02/13/2017) | 17-03: Development of Marburgvirus (MARV) Vaccine Prototype against aerosolized MARV | JPM CBRN Medical | Received: 2 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | Selectee did not execute Base Agreement | ||
RPP-17-02 (01/13/2017) | 17-02: Development of Efficacious Antiviral Countermeasures | JPM CBRN Medical | Received: 5 Selected: 0 Basket: 2 | *Mapp Biopharmaceutical | 11/07/2018 | $34,679,987 |
RPP-17-01 (01/03/2017) | 17-01: Development of Monoclonal Antibody and Related Technologies as Medical Countermeasures against aerosolized Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis (VEE) Virus | JPM CBRN Medical | Received: 3 Selected: 0 Basket: 2 | No Award Made at This Time | ||
RPP-16-06 (7/15/2016) | 16-06: Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus Advanced Technology Demonstration (EEEV ATD) | JPM CBRN Medical | Received: 6 Selected: 0 Basket: 4 | No Award Made at This Time | ||
RPP-16-05 (07/15/2016) | 16-05: Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE) Monovalent VLP Phase I Clinical Study | JPM CBRN Medical | Received: 2 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | SRI International | 02/03/2017 | $5,054,959 |
RPP-16-04 (07/15/2016) | 16-04: Lyophilized Formulation and Final Product Manufacturing Process for WEVEE Vaccine | JPM CBRN Medical | Received: 1 Selected: 0 Basket: 1 | No Award Made at This Time | ||
RPP-16-03 (07/15/2016) | 16-03: Development of a Dual Drug Delivery Device (D4) Autoinjector | JPM CBRN Medical | Received: 5 Selected: 1 Basket: 2 | Emergent BioSolutions | 07/25/2017 | $28,984,422 |
RPP-16-02 (07/15/2016) | 16-02: Development of Monoclonal Antibody Medical Countermeasures against Aerozolized Botulinum Toxin Serotypes A and B | JPM CBRN Medical | Received: 1 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | Ology Bioservices, Inc. | 09/30/2016 | $46,951,782 |
RPP-16-01 (06/22/2016) | 16-01: Fill/Finish of Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis (VEE) virus like particle (VLP) Bulk Drug Product | JPM CBRN Medical | Received: 3 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | SRI International | 12/08/2016 | $660,715 |